• 国際交流
  • 異業種交流

大手町 ランゲージエクスチェンジ

楽しく気軽にランゲージエクスチェ­ンジ / Fun & Friendly Lang Ex :)



外国人女性 & 日本人女性 500円
外国人男性 500円
日本人男性 1000円


開催日 2020年02月04日(火)
エリア 東京・恵比寿・広尾・目黒
カテゴリ 国際交流
ジャンル 異業種交流
最低料金 1000円
規模 35人
会場名 Kaiteki Cafe
会場電話 03-6212-8886
会場住所 東京都千代田区大手町1-6-1
楽しく気軽にランゲージエクスチェ­ンジ / Fun & Friendly Lang Ex :)


English follows Japanese.



- 楽しく独自のスピーキング練習を強化した構成











7:30pm - 7:40pm: ドリンクを購入&準備の時間です。

7:40pm - 8:10pm: 15分の英会話練習の後、15分の日本語会話練習をします。できるだけお互いの練習を助け合いましょう。

8:10pm - 8:15pm: 休憩時間です。お好きにお過ごしください。

8:15pm - 8:35pm: 10分の日本語会話練習の後、10分の英会話練習をします。できるだけお互いの練習を助け合いましょう。

8:35pm - 8:45pm: 休憩時間です。お好きにお過ごしください。

8:45pm - 9:05pm: 10分の英会話練習の後、10分の日本語会話練習をします。できるだけお互いの練習を助け合いましょう。

9:05pm - 9:10pm: 休憩時間です。お好きにお過ごしください。

9:10pm - 9:30pm: 10分の日本語会話練習の後、10分の英会話練習をします。できるだけお互いの練習を助け合いましょう。


外国からの旅行者と外交官 : ¥0

日本人女性: ¥500

日本在住の外国人 : ¥500

日本人男性: ¥1000。

バーエリアで円滑にサービスを提供したいため、入口にてファーストドリンク代¥500 をいただきます事をご了承ください。






Language exchange with a difference; topic based with "8" rounds (4 English/4 日本語) which creates great energy & language practice opportunities and increases the # of fellow members we meet.

More good reasons to join;

- structure that optimizes fun & original speaking practice

- optional fun & interesting topics

- the location; Otemachi is in central Tokyo and has very convenient access

- the venue is spacious, comfortable & has a very nice ambience

- our own private space

- it's a reasonably priced café; drinks are ¥500.

This event is as it says; language exchange - it is THE focus of the event

If you're a tourist interested in culture exchange and/or a friendly environment to speak to Japanese please join us too.

A breakdown of the event;

It's a 1 min walk from exits A4 & A5 turnstiles/改札口 & Otemachi 2 Chome exit

Kaiteki Café (1st floor) is upstairs from the Starbucks (B1) in Otemachi Building

Arriving anytime from 7:30pm works

7:30pm - 7:40pm : Get a drink & preparation time

7:40pm - 8:10pm : 15 minutes of English conversation/practice followed by 15 minutes of Japanese conversation/practice. Let's try help each other practice as best we can

8:10pm - 8:15pm : Break time. Do as you'd like

8:15pm - 8:35pm : 10 minutes of Japanese conversation/practice followed by 10 minutes of English conversation/practice. Let's try help each other practice as best we can

8:35pm - 8:45pm : Break time. Do as you'd like

8:45pm - 9:05pm : 10 minutes of English conversation/practice followed by 10 minutes of Japanese conversation/practice. Let's try help each other practice as best we can

9:05pm - 9:10pm : Break time. Do as you'd like

9:10pm - 9:30pm : 10 minutes of Japanese conversation/practice followed by 10 minutes of English conversation/practice. Let's try help each other practice as best we can.

Joining fee :

International tourists and diplomats : Free

Japanese ladies : ¥500

Japan based internationals : ¥500

Japanese gentlemen : ¥1 000.

Please note : In order to provide smoother service @ the drinks counter ¥500 is collected @ the entrance for your 1st drink.

Notes :

- This format means you should have at least eight language exchange partners during the event.

- All levels of English & Japanese are welcome

- No teaching experience is needed

- This is a non smoking event. For smokers there's a separate smoking section.



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