人物・グループ /アーティスト
RICKEY & RABBIE - リッキー・アンド・ラビー
RICKEYとRABBIEの2人組バイリンガルモンスターデュオ。最新のDUB STEP、ELECTRO、TRAPなどの多彩な音楽性、そして幅広いエンターテイメント性で世界に ENERGY(エネルギー)とSURPRISE(驚き)を発信し、"逆輸入"という形で日本に衝撃を与える。現在はアジアを中心に活動し、デビュー前ながらその可能性と"ヤバさ"で期待され、様々な分野のアーティスト達とコラボレーションを行いながら活躍中。
RICKEY&RABBIE is the bilingual monster duo and known for its wide variety of musical styles from DUBSTEP, ELECTRO, TRAP, and HIPHOP.
The duo was formed in 2013 and consisted of Rickey and Rabbie.Currently, they are mainly performing in Asian countries in order to provide "ENERGY" and "SURPRISE" through their music and collaborating with many talented artists from different fields.The duo is perceived as "unusually extraordinary", and the hype is spreading among the young even though their official debut is yet to be decided.
The duo was formed in 2013 and consisted of Rickey and Rabbie.Currently, they are mainly performing in Asian countries in order to provide "ENERGY" and "SURPRISE" through their music and collaborating with many talented artists from different fields.The duo is perceived as "unusually extraordinary", and the hype is spreading among the young even though their official debut is yet to be decided.