- ORCA NAGOYA Resident DJ(54)
- KITSUNE KYOTO Resident DJ(38)
- GIRAFFE osaka Resident DJ(55)
- G2 Resident DJ(27)
- ミュージカルラッシュ出演者ガイド / 広島音楽フェス(40)
- DJ GUIDE(3368)
- アーティスト(4835)
DJ 4REST - フォレスト(AXCELL / アクセル)(A4 / エーフォー)
ゼロからイチを産み出すのとはまた違った創造性を見出す事が出来る『CLUB DJ』として、類い稀なる"音楽センス"・2014年、著名DJコンペティションでジャパンファイナリストに選ばれた事で改めて証明された"テクニック"・期待値を遥かに上回るパフォーマンスから感じられる"エンターテイメント性"で以て発信。
2017年、盟友DJ ACKOと共に結成した、ナイトクラブ特化型楽曲プロデュースユニット【A4】では、オリジナル楽曲に更に遊び心と破壊力を加えたRemixを手掛け、世界最大のデジタルレコードプールサイト【DJcity】から配信。 オリジナルRemixを収録したMixworkを同社のOfficial Podcastに提供。
チャート上位にランクインしている流行の楽曲は勿論、お気に入りの映画で使われた一曲、TV CMで流れた何気ない一曲、ありとあらゆる曲を、フレーズ・メロディーライン・関連性を駆使し、曲の魅力を最大限に引き出す。
DJ 4REST garnerned global attention in 2014 when he was crowned the Japan Finalist in a leading international DJ championship.
In 2017 he and DJ ACKO teamed up to form A4 and put their own spin on club hits with nightclub-tailored remixes.
Since then each new track has been released through the world's largest digital record pool, DJcity.
The duo's sounds are regularly featured on DJcityTV and the official DJcity podcast, attracting new fans daily from around the world.
4REST leads the scene as Japan's first DJ to gain widespread praise for his skill as both a selector and a turntablist.
His unique approach makes unfamiliar songs feel like old favorites and breathes new life into even the most played-out hits.
Still, where he really shines is in his mastery of sounds you would never expect to hear in the club: a movie theme song here, an overlooked pop tune there, effortlessly mixed with club bangers.
By drawing on that untapped potential in familiar sounds he invites listeners to see the everyday world in an exciting new light.
As his sound evolves with the times one thing remains constant: his knack for putting a smile on every face every on the dance floor.