人物・グループ /DJ

DJ EMMA - エンマ



1995年にはDJプレイに留まらず音楽制作を開始。川内タロウと共に「MALAWI ROCKS」を結成する。同年NIGHTGROOVEより発売された12inchシングル"Music Is My Flower"が世界的ヒットを果たす。同じく95年から発売され、日本を代表するMIX CDとなった「EMMA HOUSE」は、24bitマスタリングというMIX CDの枠を超えた徹底的な音作りとダンスフロアの雰囲気を閉じ込めた作品として好セールスを記録し過去に19枚リリースされている。
2014年新たな活動を始めたNITELIST MUSICから、日本発のACID HOUSE "ACID CITY"を発売。HEARTBEATから2年連続リリースとなったMix CD "MIXED BY DJ EMMA vol.2"と共にダブルリリースツアーを全国15ヶ所で行う。常にダンスフロアとHOUSE MUSICを中心に新しい音楽を最高の技術でプレイし続けるスタイルはKING OF HOUSEと呼ばれる。
2016年10月26日には活動30周年を記念したEMMA HOUSE XX〜30th Anniversary〜をユニバーサルミュージックよりリリース。

DJ EMMA started DJing since 1985.
He played at many parties as residency , in 1988’ he got much attentions as first Japanese warehouse party “Conny’s Party”’s DJ.
He toured Europe three years , after that tour 1994’ he got contract with legendary club “ Shibaura GOLD” as Saturday night residence . After that he rose to Japan’s top House Music DJ.
Since that he is playing as top DJ for over 25years at following night clubs.
“Velvet” , “Jungle Bass” , “Mother” , “Liquid Room” , “Velfare” , “Yellow” , “Eleven” , “ageHa”,“Mago(Nagoya)” , “World(Kyoto)” , “Grand Café(Osaka)” , “Precious Hall(Sapporo)”
He also released series of Mix CD called “EMMA House”.
“EMMA House” is Japan’s MixCD’s pioneer and released 18 titles now.
He owns his music label “Nitelist music/www.nitelistmusic.com” and releasing Japan’s wicked artists. He just released full album CD called
“ACID CITY” in July/2013’. “ACID CITY” is all Japanese artist’s made acid house album. He will release this “ACID CITY” in vinyl records this October.
He has residential party at club “WOMB” currently , and keep playing at overseas also.
His fineness but aggressive style with legit technique loved by party peoples and he is “King of House” in Japan.
He still playing vinyl records mainly and long play is his style.
Last “EMMAHOUSE” at club “Yellow”, he played 17hours by himself!!
He just released “Heartbeat presents Mixed by DJ EMMA vol.2 “ in 06/19/2013’.


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