Hip Hop / R&B
<Japanese Ver>
日本最大のHIP HOP発信基地、渋谷 CLUB HARLEMで毎週土曜に行われるBIG PARTY”NO DOUBT”をメインに日本国内で年間100回を超えるクラブ・プレイをこなす.DJ HAZIME。卓越したスキルと、聴く人を惹き付ける選曲を武器に全国各地、常にフロアーを揺らし続ける。
業界内での認知度も高く、2002年にUNIVERSAL / DEF JAM JAPANからJAY-Z が所属していたROC-A-FELLAのオフィシャルMIX CDをリリース。2003年にはCLUB HARLEMのコンピレーション・アルバムシリーズのオフィシャルMIX CD 「HARL-EM VER.2.5」をリリース。
RADIO ,DJ , PRODUCERのすべてにおいて見せる一線級の活躍振りは日本のHIP HOP代表。その志しは高く常に世界へ、渋谷発世界照準、今その実力が明かされる。
<English Ver>
BIG PARTY done in maximum HIP HOP sending base and Shibuya CLUB HARLEM in Japan on Saturday every week “NO DOUBT” is handled and the club play that mainly exceeds 100 times a year in Japan is handled. DJ HAZIME。It keeps shaking the floor ..nationwide various place.. always with a superior skill and selection of ..person who listens.. coming as the weapon that kicks .
The career as CLUB DJ is formed for 93 years and CHANNEL 5 of DABO, SUIKEN, and K-BOMB is formed at a start and a simultaneous period. SHAKKAZOMBIE from early time through a lot of co-starring such as SHAKKAZOMBIE and BUDDAH BRAND/ NITRO /DABO /K DUB SHINE /SPHERE OF INFLUENCE/Namie Amuro/ PUSHIM/ Production/REMIX of the Nadachi barrel artist such as MICHICO is handled. Moreover, LIVE DJ of partner DABO/NITRO MICROPHONE UNDERGROUND from old is taken an active part, too.
The acknowledgment level in the industry is also high, and UNIVERSAL in 2002/ Official MIX CD of ROC-A-FELLA that belongs from DEF JAM JAPAN JAY-Z is released. Official MIX CD “HARL-EM VER.2.5″ of the compilation album series of CLUB HARLEM is released in 2003.
In Japan, the activity shake of first-string shown in all of RADIO, DJ, and PRODUCER is HIP HOP representative. The ability is always revealed to the world high as for the aim the world aim and now from Shibuya.
業界内での認知度も高く、2002年にUNIVERSAL / DEF JAM JAPANからJAY-Z が所属していたROC-A-FELLAのオフィシャルMIX CDをリリース。2003年にはCLUB HARLEMのコンピレーション・アルバムシリーズのオフィシャルMIX CD 「HARL-EM VER.2.5」をリリース。
RADIO ,DJ , PRODUCERのすべてにおいて見せる一線級の活躍振りは日本のHIP HOP代表。その志しは高く常に世界へ、渋谷発世界照準、今その実力が明かされる。
<English Ver>
BIG PARTY done in maximum HIP HOP sending base and Shibuya CLUB HARLEM in Japan on Saturday every week “NO DOUBT” is handled and the club play that mainly exceeds 100 times a year in Japan is handled. DJ HAZIME。It keeps shaking the floor ..nationwide various place.. always with a superior skill and selection of ..person who listens.. coming as the weapon that kicks .
The career as CLUB DJ is formed for 93 years and CHANNEL 5 of DABO, SUIKEN, and K-BOMB is formed at a start and a simultaneous period. SHAKKAZOMBIE from early time through a lot of co-starring such as SHAKKAZOMBIE and BUDDAH BRAND/ NITRO /DABO /K DUB SHINE /SPHERE OF INFLUENCE/Namie Amuro/ PUSHIM/ Production/REMIX of the Nadachi barrel artist such as MICHICO is handled. Moreover, LIVE DJ of partner DABO/NITRO MICROPHONE UNDERGROUND from old is taken an active part, too.
The acknowledgment level in the industry is also high, and UNIVERSAL in 2002/ Official MIX CD of ROC-A-FELLA that belongs from DEF JAM JAPAN JAY-Z is released. Official MIX CD “HARL-EM VER.2.5″ of the compilation album series of CLUB HARLEM is released in 2003.
In Japan, the activity shake of first-string shown in all of RADIO, DJ, and PRODUCER is HIP HOP representative. The ability is always revealed to the world high as for the aim the world aim and now from Shibuya.