人物・グループ /DJ

MATZ - マッツ



北海道生まれ北海道育ちのプロデューサー。2016年にアメリカ・マイアミで開催された“Ultra Music Festival”でもサポートされ、Ultra Japanにも2年連続出演を果たす。 日本人で初めてイギリスのEnhanced MusicやイタリアのMedia RecordsからRemix楽曲をリリースし、 日本国内でも「KEMIO」、「SKY-HI」、「Kizuna AI」、「東京ゲゲゲイ」の楽曲をプロデュースすると共に、「MACO」、「和田アキ子」、「倖田來未」、のRemix制作も手がける。また、TGCの公式コンピレーションをリリースし、TGCにもDJとして出演を果たし、2020年3月には自身の1stアルバム『TIME』をリリース。

MATZ was inspired by Electro Dance Music and started to make his original tracks with his computer at the age of 15. By posting his tracks on SoundCloud, MATZ started to grab the attentions of the local DJs in Japan.

2017 was a big year for MATZ. On July 7th MATZ released his debut EP “Composite” including the leading song 「I See You featuring Ruby Prophet」, and “Composite” hit the charts very strongly and ended up reaching #2 in the iTunes dance album chart in Japan. Following the hit MATZ finished his first nation wide tour. In September MATZ became the 4th Japanese teenage DJ to play in the Ultra Japan. Moreover MATZ released two remixes from Enhanced Music and Media Records. MATZ is starting to spread his name not only in Japan but also to the world. MATZ is growing to become the leading artist for dance music in Japan.
名前 MATZ - マッツ
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/matzmusic/
Twitter https://twitter.com/_M_A_T_Z_
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/matzmusic/
HP https://www.matzmusic.com/
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