人物・グループ /DJ

DJ Miss Ann - ミス・アン



Where there’s a beauty, there’s a beast. A perfect stage and sonic description for DJ Miss Ann. Perfectly blending hard-hitting Electro sound with syth-ladden progressive house and topped with low-end booming Bass music, her style sets the golden rule for a versitile multi-format DJ. Progressive House producer Tom Swoon once described her music as “Energetic, ferocius, and sexy all packed into one unstoppable locomotive.”
Amber An is a Taiwanese DJ and known professionally as Miss Ann. Miss Ann’s passion transformed herself from a bedroom DJ into an artist with an unrivalled drive for new music. The motivation and passion did not go unno- ticed as she landed the residency at one of the most prestigious nightclubs in Asia, OMNI. Miss Ann has shared the stage with the likes of Tony Junior, DJs from Mars, Dyro, Morgan Page, and Tom Swoon.

在DJ Miss Ann冷豔的外貌底下,潛藏著一顆對音樂熱情如火的心,這份熱情驅策著她對各類型的音樂曲風產生好奇與求知慾,也讓她得以遇見南台灣之光DJ Tony.D的時候把持住機會,向他拜師學藝,因而走上了DJ之路。上進的她不僅隨即就在南台灣獲得了成功,橫掃中南部各大夜店,隨後更是受到了台北的注意,獲邀成為亞洲首屈一指夜店OMNI的駐場DJ,並因此獲得與Skrillex、Dyro、Morgan Page以及Tom swoon等藝人同台,傲視業界的空前機會。正所謂「美女必定配野獸」,千萬不要錯過冰山美人Miss Ann所帶來猶如洪水猛獸般洶湧的音樂魔力。


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