人物・グループ /DJ

OLIVER KEITO - オリバーケイト



Started from a seed of DMC and plays Electro House mainly, switching music styles immidiately becomes his superiority. Also, the unique Remix creations make you amazing!


21 Year Old DJ Oliver Keito has begun DJ and arrangement since March 2012.

Including the biggest night club 'ageHa' in Japan.
OLIVER is assured from lots of clubs in merely four months,
and plays music serve as Main Time DJ totally.

Started from a seed of DMC and plays Electro House mainly,
switching music styles immidiately becomes his superiority.
Also, the unique Remix creations make you amazing!

Official Fan Page is now opening signed as towarding to the globe,
bring all talents into full play in different parties.
OLIVER is studying from other composers around the world,
gonna try to present personal style and challenge various cultures.

And 2013 avicii it's follow DJ Oliver Keito SoundCloud.
2012 Japan Frist One Young Asia Guest DJ.

名前 OLIVER KEITO - オリバーケイト
SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/oliver-takahashi
Mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/olivertakahashi/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/oliverkeito/
Twitter https://twitter.com/keitooliver
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