![DJ THE RATA - ジラータ](http://dt58e5nfdvrp5.cloudfront.net/facimg/15876_logo_1655956490.jpg)
DJ THE RATA - ジラータ
THE RATA is a DJ and producer from Tokyo, Japan.
Arguably the finest and most innovative style of DJ, he is one of the music artists focused on electronic and dance music.
It is a DJ who can create new grooves very easily and fly freely by mixing various types of electronic music, realistic underground music, and underlying black music elements in a technical and horizontal manner.
He has been active in many parties and events, mainly in Tokyo, Japan, for more than a quarter of a century as a career as a music activity such as DJ activity, music production, sound source collector including vinyl, overseas music exchange.
In addition, DJ Mix, which is distributed irregularly, has been highly evaluated on Soundcloud and Mixcloud, and has been followed and supported by listeners all over the world.
His alias "Athreat 3000" as a track maker releases songs such as Hip Hop and emotional sounds, which are his DJ roots, and also provides song tracks to rappers and artists.
In addition, he is also a media artist / designer who also handles video, graphics, and apparel himself, and he is expected from various fields to further expand his activities worldwide in the future.
THE RATA(ジラータ)は日本の東京出身のDJ、プロデューサーです。
また、不定期で配信しているDJ MixではSoundcloudやMixcloudにて高い評価を得ており、世界中のリスナーからフォローやサポートを得ています。
トラックメイカーとしての彼の別名義"Athreat3000"では自身のDJのルーツでもあるHip Hopやエモーショナルなサウンドなどの楽曲リリースや、ラッパーやアーティストへの楽曲トラック提供も行なっています。
加えて彼は自身で映像やグラフィック、アパレルも手掛けるメディアアーティスト / デザイナーでもあり、今後更にその活動を世界的に広げていく事を多方面から期待されています。