人物・グループ /DJ
DJ YO - ヨー
2000年よりDJを始めHip Hop DJとして様々なClubで経験を積む。
現在はAll MixのDJとしてHip Hopで培った感性とスキルを最大限に生かしたPlayで活躍中。
渋谷WOMB Lounge,六本木 7Sense,青山 Crystal LOUNGE等のCLUBで活動中で、映像と音をLINKしたVDJとしての評価も高い。またプロデュース能力も高く、現在数多くのイベントに携わっている。
In 2000, Dj Yo began his career as a hip hop DJ, and spinned at various clubs. Currently, he focuses on an all-genre mix, while still utilizing the mixing flavor of hip hop Djing techniques. His performance is also complemented with the VDJing (Video DJing) he does simultaneously. As of 2013, he holds residencies and regular events at Double Tokyo, Dix, WOMB, and 24/7, amongst many other clubs.
DJ Yo always focuses on the party and what the audience wants. The resulting performance is always top tier.
DJ Yo always focuses on the party and what the audience wants. The resulting performance is always top tier.